Featured Events

We have so much happening this year in 2023, that we wanted to give you a glimpse of some of what we have planned.  You can view details of all our events here

Keep to to date with our latest news

Read our latest blog on the Retreat-Pilgrimage with St. Therese as we reflect on each day’s activities!

Donate to our Projects

The Catholic Parish Summit is gathering 1,000 parish leaders who will share the vision of a Church that is missional and apostolic at its very core, and equip them to lead their parish so that more people will come to know Jesus.

We are truly grateful for any donation that you are able to make.  Every donation, large or small really does help us keep going and hopefully lead many more to a more peaceful and spiritual life.

Living Prayer Podcast

In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. So join us for a year long programme dedicated to prayer, where we will provide weekly podcasts, videos and materials to aid you in your prayer life.

Spiritual Direction Formation Programme (2024)

The Spiritual Direction Formation Programme (Carmelite Tradition) builds on an interpretation of the experience of journeying towards intimacy with God as expressed in the life of the Carmelite saints and deriving principles from this for the growth and flourishing of the spiritual life.

Upcoming Events


“Trust God that you are exactly
where you are meant to be.”
St. Teresa of Avila
